SMS Marketing & 2 way SMS - Reach your clients in an instant
Try our 2 way SMS service for free. Text DEMO to 82055.
Text messages simply charged at your standard rate.

Reach your clients in an instant with a
personalised message.
Textvertising makes SMS marketing easy! Send text messages to end users directly from your online control panel or via email. Here is what is included.
Store clients/numbers in "groups"
Our platform allows you to upload your numbers into "groups". You can have multiple groups and numbers could exist in multiple groups. For example, you perhaps have 4 groups - male, female, buyer, wholesaler. In this example, someone could exist in both the "male" group and also in the "buyer" group.
This feature is very useful because our system allows you to choose numbers from any groups you have created. If a number exists in more than one group selected the system automatically recognises the unique number and includes it only once.
Clients can also subscribe (opt-in) into groups by texting a "keyword". See "Receiving SMS" below for more information.
Full support for multipart messages
Although a single message is just 160 characters long, our platform allows you to send multipart text messages up to 612 characters in length providing great opportunity to get as much information in each message as possible.
Schedule and Batch send messages
Worried that if you send to a large group of people you would not be able to handle callbacks? No need. With Textvertising you can not only schedule messages to start delivering at any time you choose, but you can even set the rate of delivery - such as 1 SMS per minute. Our intelligent platform allows you to set the times of delivery - such as between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday - and it can even be set to pause sending while your staff are at lunch! The platform will estimate how long your messages will take to send allowing you to fine tune your campaign.
Create your own shortlinks
Rather than using or for example, you can upload files such as text, videos, MP3s, pictures and even PDF! Our system will create a shortlink for you linking to your file and add it into your text message body. Each link is unique, fully trackable in your reports - and you can even set an expiry on your link.
Create your own "originator ID"
Rather than simply originating from a valid mobile number (like when you text from your phone for example), we route messages differently and your messages can show from any number or alphanumeric (up to 11 characters). This adds branding to messages, inspiring confidence in the message.
If you choose to set an originator ID that is a valid number, replies made by the end user will be routed to that device. We offer a range of shared or dedicated "virtual" mobile numbers that your message can originate from and if the end user replies they appear in your admin panel for you to respond to or they can be emailed to you in real time. If you use alphanumeric originator ID's, messages cannot be responded to.

Accept replies to your messages - with optional call routing
Your free account also includes a choice of virtual reply numbers which allows you to not only send text messages online but also receive replies from end users.
All replies appear in your online SMS Inbox and are grouped according to the message sent and each message is threaded into conversations.
You can reply to any replies received and the panel works in real time. As new messages are received they appear automatically.
We also offer dedicated reply numbers which not only receive replies but can be called. Calls received can be routed via voip to any phone system that supports SIP or to a mobile by simply installg free software such as Zoiper or CSip.
See SMS to IVR for more information on personalising your service.
Full delivery reporting is included
We report the status of each message as it travels to each end user. You can see a list of all numbers your message was sent to and track whether delivered yet or not. Not only is the report in real time, but we also elaborate on non-deliveries telling you whether the message is pending in the network, was unable to reach a phone and even if the phone number is invalid.
By cleansing regularly and quarantining numbers that no longer work Textvertising can save you a great deal on similar service from other providers.
"Unsubscribe" is included
Textvertising provide every user a free option they can include to allow end users to opt out of receiving further messages. In doing so, the platform also prevents you accidentally adding the number again in the future as you update your number lists and groups.
Simple pay-as-you-go structure
Any messages purchased do not expire and remain in your account until you need them.
Developer API
If you have your own application and need a fast and efficient way to send messages via a pure HTTP API, check our our SMS Gateway
Great Pricing at just 2p per UK message!*
Our simple message pricing structure is what sets us apart. Get started today and you can buy your first batch of messages at just 2p per message*
As a Tier 1 provider, we protect your data!
We have direct Tier 1 connections to not one but 2 UK networks. This gives unrivalled speed and reliability with full delivery reporting and dynamic "from" names. The connection does not get any better or any more stable and you can expect delivery within a matter of seconds.
It is important to be aware that although there may be cheaper alternatives, ensure that whoever you choose, you choose somebody with a direct connection (Tier 1) route.
Although this may not seem important - as most only consider price as important - messages and numbers you submit to your chosen provider may not always be routed via a direct connection. This means that your messages and numbers could be sent through other third party providers - especially ones in other countries - to save money. The consequence is that any one of these could be collecing your information to sell as marketing data without your knowledge. It's your data so you must decide if it's worth the risk over fractions of a penny. You may find you are breaching data protection rules by not handling and processing your data in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
Textvertising is a TIER 1 DIRECT ROUTE so information you submit to us is sent directly to the UK operators. What's more, you know you're in safe hands because we are also registered with the ICO (Information Commisioners Office) for your data protection and peace of mind. We have to abide by strict rules in how we handle your data and we are recognised as a leading, trusted provider for this reason - your data is safe.